Open the lines of communication between your devices

Install this program on your Windows 7 or 8 computer: This is a very early version that could still use some clean-up, but the basic features work.

(Clients for other OSes are coming soon!)

After downloading the ZIP file, elect to "Keep" it if prompted. Then, run setup.exe. We are currently not a "verified" publisher, but are working to become one.

Once the Desktop Client opens up, enter the Client ID shown on your mobile device ("sp" followed by 6 digits), then hit Connect. You can now send messages from your mobile device to your PC!

Our Source Code

There are valuable lessons to be learned by looking at our source code, and opportunities to clean it up and enhance the feature set if you contribute. Please have a look at our GitHub repository.

The application is not quite ready for primetime, hence why we have not linked to any versions and why you won't find it on any app store. However, if you are astute, you can find an apk buried in our GitHub folders.